The abdominal ultrasound GattoConiglio is also characterized by: Outcomes of multiple bilateral renal infarctions. NAC can also help in case of myelopathy, degenerative in dogs, in the course of chronic kidney failure, respiratory diseases and Fiv. If you want to start the administration of NAC for your cat stay informed with your veterinarian. I hope this time not to make mistakes and to have the right intuition, as happened earlier with the discovery and delivery of Cordyceps medicinal mushroom in the course of renal failure chronic for my cat (the year 2011)įB page dedicated to the Feline Hypertrophic heart disease and chronic renal insufficiency disclosure of news and new therapies.

My cat ? is the first cat with feline HCM to assume NAC My cat assumes the NAC from about one month – On the web (many non ITA) I have not read or found other evidence on the use of NAC being Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Several animal studies have demonstrated the reversibility of fibrosis and hypertrophy, allowing you to open new therapeutic perspectives! Link (source). NAC reduces and prevents cardiac hypertrophy. Since a few months ago he has been added to the family another hairy brother about 4/5 years suffering from Hcm … and not only … I take this article to date by recent studies on the use of N-acetylcysteine – *Update Personal Study Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and NAC administration to my Cat April / June 2017 *

Various animal studies have demonstrated the reversibility of fibrosis and hypertrophy allowing to open new therapeutic perspectives! LINK The most promising results have been obtained by administering NAC. NAC AND THE HYPERTROPHIC CARDIOMYOPATHY (HCM) IN CATS NAC can be successfully used in the treatment of respiratory diseases (mucolytic effect) NAC prevents kidney damage in cats and dogs (chronic renal failure) NAC prevents the oxidative damage in degenerative myelopathy in dogs SURPRISING POTENTIALITY IN THE TREATMENT OF INFECTIONS FIV/FeLV NAC INHIBITS THE DESTRUCTION OF IMMUNE CELLS AND SUPPRESS VIRAL REPLICATION IN HUMAN BEINGS CELLULAR OXIDATION STIMULATES HIV REPLICATION NAC HAS BEEN DEMONSTRATED TO PREVENT AND PROTECT CELLULAR OXIDATION